Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year's Resolution

I read somewhere that a New Years resolution is something that “goes in one year and out the other!”

But it is that time again, where we take a personal inventory of the past year, and, hopefully, identify those areas in which we can make improvements. I make these resolutions every year, but, I must admit, most I break. I have read that only 8% of Americans keep all their resolutions, so I guess I'm in the majority!

I believe this statistic reveals we often we set resolutions that are unrealistic; in other words, we set the bar so high that we are doomed to fail. Does that sound familiar? Although this is certainly discouraging, what if we, rather than not setting resolutions, lower the bar and set goals which are more reasonable to achieve, so we believe we can keep them? Instead of saying you’re going to read your Bible through six times this year, how about one time? That's more realistic! Instead of striving to lose 30 pounds in January, how about 3 or 4 pounds a month? Keeping the target within reason will provide motivation to attain the goal!

Better yet, make resolutions which are more “spiritual” rather than material in nature. Here are some I offer for consideration for the first week of the New Year: Day1-resolve to pray for someone; Day 2- resolve to say "I love you" to someone; Day3 - Resolve to appreciate all God has given to me; Day 4- Resolve to save some money for charitable purposes; Day 5- Resolve to forgive someone; Day 6- Resolve not to compare yourself to someone else; Day 7- Resolve to make your home a warmer place.

Give it a try! Remember, Jesus died not only to give us life, but life more abundant (John 10:10)! Making New Year’s resolutions is a means by which we can rise above the habit of getting lost in the routine of everyday things. I'm simply encouraging you to go “outside the box” of the normal, hum-drum of life, and to seek opportunities to be a better Christian, a better man or woman of God along the way!

I wish you all a Happy, Blessed and Prosperous New Year! I love and appreciate you all!
See you Friday night and Sunday!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Great God Became My Savior!

The incarnation; it defies description. How can our finite human minds comprehend the idea that the eternal God would descend from His heavenly throne to robe himself in flesh and blood, and become as mortal man? That the master Potter would become clay? It is indeed difficult for us to fathom! No wonder the angels broke into a chorus of praise!

For those who do not believe, or are skeptical by nature, it must sound absurd. But to those of us who are believers, this is a wondrous story!

The Bible clearly informs us God's ways are not our ways, as evidenced by the supernatural means by which Adam came into existence, without a man or woman; Eve, came from a man and no woman. With Abram and Sarai, God chose a couple too old to have kids to bring Isaac into the world. And now with the Incarnation, a woman gave birth without the aid of a man. God had saved the best for last!

"Behold, a virgin shall be withchild, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."

As Christians, you and I are most fortunate, for we have been given the marvelous privilege of telling the Christmas story over and over. What a thrill! It just gets better and better every time we tell it!

Merry Christmas! See you Friday night!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

God's Gift

When man landed on the moon Neil Armstrong exclaimed "One small step for man, one giant step for mankind." The President exclaimed that the greatest event in human history was when man placed his foot on the moon.

However, the greatest event in human history was when God almighty came to dwell upon the earth. We call that the incarnation. We call that Christmas morning. Isaiah put it this way "For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given."

How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given.
So God imparts to human hearts, the blessings of His heaven.
No ear may hear His coming but, in this world of sin,
Where meek souls will recieve Him still, the dear Christ enters in.

That is what Christmas is all about. Please understand, not to understand means you do not have the key to human history. How sad it would be to know biology and not know the "Giver of Life"; to know astromony and not know the "Bright and morning star"; to know geology and not know the "Rock of Ages"; to know botany and not know the "Rose of Sharon"; or to know history but not understand the story of Jesus. It has been said a wise man is ignorant, a rich man poor, and a strong man weak until he knows the Lord Jesus. Jesus Christ is the centerpiece, the focal point of all human history. He is called in John's gospel "The Word". What is a word? It is an expression of an idea. Jesus is the expression of God. That's why the scripture calls Him "Immanuel, being interpreted God with us!"

The cradle, the cross, and the crown are woven together. The little baby in Bethlehem was the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!

As the scripture says "Thou shalt call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins." Our forefathers, for the most part, believed that. Today why not thank God for His unspeakable gift - Himself!

Take time to thank Him for His gift to you, that of eternal salvation.

God Bless! See you Sunday!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I love Christmas! I never tire of the joys of the holiday season!

Since I was a young boy growing up in New Jersey, Christmas has been special. I still remember the Christmas Eve my Dad and I ventured out to get our tree. It was the real McCoy!

The house would be full of the aroma of fresh pine needles. Before we put the tree up we had to put down the Lionel train track. We had permanently secured the track on a large piece of plywood. It was oval, and we only brought it out of the attic for the week of Christmas. Playing with those trains is one of my fondest memories. The engine had smoke coming out of the stack. The caboose had a policeman chasing a hobo. It also had a milk car. When the train stopped, it would load and unload bottles of milk.

I also enjoyed decorating the tree. In those days we used large lights. Then, after the ornaments were carefully placed, we would cover it with tinsel. I mean the kind made out of lead. It's probably outlawed now! The finishing touch was when my Dad put the angel on top of that masterpiece. I believe he has the same angel to this day!

We would all sit around the tree and my father would read the Christmas story while we sipped on hot chocolate and listened to the crackle of the fire.

Early Christmas morning we were up opening gifts! We would each have two or three gifts. It truly was, as the song says, "The most wonderful time of the year!"

Personally, I think we all have a little child-likeness in us at this time of year. I know I do, and it is probably why I still delight in the joys of the season!

I have tried to pass along similar traditions to my children. Things change, but the story and wonder of Christmas endures.

I encourage you to establish some holiday traditions of your own. Make this season special for those around you, for it is truly a time to rejoice and celebrate! As the carol says,"Rejoice, rejoice, Immanuel has come to you O Israel!"

Christ has come to a world of folly,
Light the tree and lets be jolly!

I wish each of you dear, blessed ones the merriest Christmas ever and a blessed New Year!

See you Sunday!
