Have you
ever noticed how long we wait when we go out to have dinner? We wait for the menu. We wait to place our order. We wait for our food. We wait for the check. And finally we wait for the opportunity to
pay the check. Then the restaurant has
the audacity to refer to the one who addresses all of this activity as the
I don’t know
about you but I need help at times with patience. We all need to be more like the little boy in
a department store. He was at the end of
an escalator watching the railing as it went around. Finally, a salesman came by and asked him,
“Son, are you lost?” The boy replied,
“No sir, I am just waiting for my gum to come back.” We need that kind of patience.
One of the
most blessed fruits of the Spirit is patience.
The Bible describes it as longsuffering.
It is a word which means “long tempered”.
In his book,
“Is it Worth Dying For?” Dennis Brio takes a physician’s approach to
patience. As a cardiologist, Dr. Brio
argued that hot reactions “Respond to every frustrating situation with angry
stress, which constricts their coronary arteries. If the condition persists, and one continues
to handle matters in such a way, it can ultimately lead to heart trouble and
even heart disease. He counseled people to be “cool reactors” to
alleviate stress and future health problems.
He was basically advising them to be patient.
Much of life
requires patience. A Palestinian farmer
sowed seed in the ground and received no rain at all much of the year. The field would turn brown. They had no irrigation. Dependence on rain was crucial. An early rain would come in October. Then it would not rain again in March or
April. His crops were out of his
Patience is
a virtue. Possess it if you can, seldom
found in a woman, never found in a man.
it. The life you save might be your own.
See ya Sunday!