Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Real Answer

Praise the Lord for this past weekend. Tim Lee has been our guest many times and is always a blessing. However, this time there seemed to be a renewed freshness about him. We had 16 people trust Christ during the past two days, and we had many other decisions among God's people.

If you personally made a decision in an area of your life, I encourage you to follow through on it. I call those times in my own life when I have recommitted myself in a particular spiritual matter "A personal revival". It is also good to write these dates down as a means of affirming these decisions.

I feel the winds of revival are blowing here at Chestertown Baptist Church. I knew the Lord was preparing us for this fall and slowly we are experiencing His touch. Be faithful to do your part and together we will see great things happen, both on an individual level, and collectively as a church.

These are troubled times, I know. It seems that everyday we are confronted with more bad news in our nation. Record numbers in unemployment, growing numbers of foreclosures, along with a host of other concerns. We seem to move from one crisis to another. Honestly, there are a lot of suffering people. Where will they go to recieve help? As humans we want to care for ourselves, but our problems are often beyond us. There is, however, One greater than any problem. Our heavenly Father. God and God alone spoke this world into existence. He keeps it by the Word of His mouth. It is time for us, the church, to step up to the plate and give hurting people a real solution, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yes, these are tough times, spiritually challenging times, that may cause many to wonder what the future holds. But while we may not know what tomorrow holds, we do know who holds tomorrow, and we can move forward with confidence knowing He is in sovereign control.

Let's recommit ourselves to the task of building a lighthouse here in this area for all to see.

See you on Sunday!


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