Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year's Resolution

I read somewhere that a New Years resolution is something that “goes in one year and out the other!”

But it is that time again, where we take a personal inventory of the past year, and, hopefully, identify those areas in which we can make improvements. I make these resolutions every year, but, I must admit, most I break. I have read that only 8% of Americans keep all their resolutions, so I guess I'm in the majority!

I believe this statistic reveals we often we set resolutions that are unrealistic; in other words, we set the bar so high that we are doomed to fail. Does that sound familiar? Although this is certainly discouraging, what if we, rather than not setting resolutions, lower the bar and set goals which are more reasonable to achieve, so we believe we can keep them? Instead of saying you’re going to read your Bible through six times this year, how about one time? That's more realistic! Instead of striving to lose 30 pounds in January, how about 3 or 4 pounds a month? Keeping the target within reason will provide motivation to attain the goal!

Better yet, make resolutions which are more “spiritual” rather than material in nature. Here are some I offer for consideration for the first week of the New Year: Day1-resolve to pray for someone; Day 2- resolve to say "I love you" to someone; Day3 - Resolve to appreciate all God has given to me; Day 4- Resolve to save some money for charitable purposes; Day 5- Resolve to forgive someone; Day 6- Resolve not to compare yourself to someone else; Day 7- Resolve to make your home a warmer place.

Give it a try! Remember, Jesus died not only to give us life, but life more abundant (John 10:10)! Making New Year’s resolutions is a means by which we can rise above the habit of getting lost in the routine of everyday things. I'm simply encouraging you to go “outside the box” of the normal, hum-drum of life, and to seek opportunities to be a better Christian, a better man or woman of God along the way!

I wish you all a Happy, Blessed and Prosperous New Year! I love and appreciate you all!
See you Friday night and Sunday!

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